Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I am 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Officially in my 3rd (and last) trimester! I am getting bigger and bigger. Whenever I look at my stomach in the mirror it's hard to imagine how it could possibly grow anymore. The skin on my tummy already burns and itches because it it stretched to the max. My first shower is this Saturday and I am very excited. We are also having our 4D ultrasound on Monday and we are looking forward to that as well. I've been a little stressed trying to get everything ready for the baby. The crib and stuff has been on back order and I will feel much better when it's finally here. We had our carpets professionally cleaned today so they would be nice and clean and sterile for the baby (yeah, I'm a little OCD). I'm hoping to start sewing the curtains for the baby's room tomorrow (with my mother in law's help). Here is my belly shot for 28 weeks:


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