Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I am 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! We have had a busy week! Jody had surgery (and is doing well), we put the crib together, worked on decorating the nursery, finished refinishing an antique dresser for the nursery, finally bought Levi's Pack N Play and put it together, I am half way finished with the Levi's wreath for the hospital door, I monogrammed a blanket for him, we celebrated our anniversary, and Jody and I both had a doctor's appointment! Here are some pics of what we have been up to......

(Btw, I purposely didn't get Jody's face in these pics because he was wearing bandages from surgery. Didn't figure he would want it posted all over the Internet haha!)

Finished product!

 The wreath so far (it's not finished). It's actually blue and green (not blue and white) but the colors didn't show up right in the pic :/

When my mom was pregnant with me she bought an antique dresser for my clothes and my paw paw refinished it for her. Now 26 years later Jody refinished the same dresser for Levi. We picked a stain that would match the new furniture in his room and we also added Peter Rabbit knobs (Peter Rabbit is our nursery theme btw).

Working on the Pack N Play :)

I don't have any pics of the full nursery up yet because it's still not completely finished. Hopefully I will have those pics up in another week or two!

My symptoms for this week have been lots of pressure in my hips, thighs, pelvis, and etc. The day after Jody's surgery I kept telling him that I could barely walk and that I was afraid I was going to go into labor soon and that I just "felt different". He told me I was just being paranoid because he had just had surgery. Well I went to the doctor Monday and it turns out that it was not my imagination. The doc checked my cervix to see if I am dilating yet and when she checked me she said "Woah!!! He is really low! Wow! No wonder you can barely walk!" Haha! She said that I am not dilated yet but I am 75% effaced and that he is head down and in the birth canal. She said that he is so low already that she had to actually feel around his head just to find the spot to check my cervix. (In case anyone reads this and doesn't understand....dilation is when the cervix opens up and effacement is when the cervix shortens and thins out. Both are signs of nearing labor). Of course that doesn't mean Levi is going to be born right away but it does mean that my body is making awesome progress and doing everything it's suppose to do so far:)! Since Levi is really large the doc is hoping he comes a tiny bit early on his own. She said if he is not here by 38 weeks they are going to do an ultrasound to check his size to see if they need to go ahead and induce. Soooo we will see what happens. Here is my belly shot for this week....this was taken Saturday when we went out to eat for our anniversary. We both felt horrible and ended up coming home early lol.

I look horrible in this next pic but I think Jody looks handsome so I decided to post it. We had to park way up the road from the restaurant and walk. I got really winded and short of breath and was hurting just from being 8 months pregnant and Jody felt the same way because he still had stints in his nose from his surgery. Also, did I mention his nose kept bleeding throughout dinner :/. We were a pitiful pair that's for sure haha! Hey, "for better or worst, and in sickness and in health" right? haha!


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