Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am 29 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! I was hoping I wouldn't have to make a 29 week update ha! I had hoped that Levi would have been here by now since I have been 75-85 % effaced and dilated for 3-4 weeks now. Not to mention the doctor could already feel Levi's head 4 weeks ago so I have literally been walking around with his head pressing "down there" for a month! Not cool!

I had my ultrasound at my 28 week appointment to look at Levi's size! The ultrasound estimated him at 8 pounds 13 ounces so far (almost 9 pounds) and he is still not finished growing (especially if I end up going over my due date.) His head is measuring large and his little round belly is measuring off the charts. So it appears that he is still a little fatty hehe! The doctor did say that using an ultrasound to determined the weight is not always accurate. She said that Levi could be smaller than we think but on the other hand he could be larger than we think as well and she doesn't want to take any chances. She is afraid that if I carry OVER my due date that he might not fit thought the birth canal then she said that even if he came today he still might not fit. She offered to go ahead and induce me but I told her I wanted to wait a little while longer to see if Levi would come on his own. She said it was up to me but she doesn't suggest going over my due date because he's so large. So we met in the middle and decided to schedule my induction for Wednesday Aug. 15. That way I am still being induced a little early but it gave me 1 more week to see if I go into labor on my own. It also gives Levi another week for his lungs to develop.

In conclusion they are admitting me to labor and delivery Tuesday at 4pm and they are giving me Cervidil to soften the cervix to prepare me for the induction. Then they will keep me overnight and check me Wednesday morning and induce me then. Unless the Cervidil throws me into labor Tuesday night. Which is very possible. Hopefully I can deliver normal and not require a C-section. Fingers crossed!

Symptoms for this week.....lots of pelvic pressure, hip, and groin pain, left hip keeps popping out of the socket (I'm not kidding), bad heartburn, night sweats, braxton hicks contractions, and cramping. As bad as it sounds I have actually become accustomed to all this by now. I don't even remember what it feels like to not be pregnant at this point hahaha! Here are 2 belly shots from the past 2 weeks.

28 Weeks pregnant

29 Weeks pregnant

Friday, August 3, 2012


I am exactly 38 weeks pregnant today! I haven't updated since 35 weeks! Sorry bout that! Not long after my 35 week update I started experiencing some changes. Instead of having a ton of energy and nesting and wanting to clean constantly I started getting really fatigued and feeling alot of pressure in my hips and pelvic area to the point that it was difficult to walk. So I haven't really been as motivated to update my blog and I'm getting burned out on cleaning and organizing haha. I really just wanna park it on the couch until labor starts but I am doing my best to stay active and move alot because that's what the doc suggested.

At my 35 week doctor's visit she "checked me" for the first time and said it was no wonder I felt so uncomfortable because Levi was already really really low and she could feel his head. She also said I was 75% effaced ( or thinned out) but not dilated just yet. At my 36 week appointment I was even more effaced and I had dilated to half a centimeter and he was a little lower. Then at my 37 week appointment (which was Wednesday) she told me I am 1 whole centimeter dilated, almost completely effaced, and that he has dropped a lot more! Holy cow! I did not think he could drop any lower without coming out but he is way down in the birth canal soooo my body is pretty much ready to go. We just need some regular strong contractions to start haha! Carrying him around so low in my pelvis for the past few weeks has NOT been easy! My left leg even pops out of it's socket sometimes because of all the pressure. My doctor assures me that even though it's uncomfy that it's normal and everything is healthy. She says because of his size and him being so low the discomfort might even get a little worst but that I need try to stay active so that my body will continue to progress towards actual labor.

I have been having a ton of "Braxton Hicks" contractions (painless contractions) and I've also had some cramping. A few times I thought I was in labor but I timed the pains and they were irregular then they faded away :(. We were told at birth class to wait until my contractions are regular and start coming every 5 mins apart for an hour before coming to the hospital.

Next week I plan on going to the mall and doing a lot of walking and eating lots of pineapple and some other stuff that's rumored to start labor ;)! Fingers are crossed!

We are pretty much finished with the nursery except we gotta hang a couple of pictures this weekend. I am also still waiting on a lamp that I ordered but it may not be here before Levi is lol. I may go ahead and take pics of the nursery this coming up week and post them. We also installed the car seat, found a pediatrician, and our hospital bags are all packed :)! We are ready when Levi is! Here are some pics of what we've been up to lately!

Here are some Peter Rabbit pics that I had framed and matted for the nursery:

Levi's monogrammed "Coming home outfit":

Pack N Play & changing area for downstairs (in our room):

 Daddy-to-be installing the car seat:

 Hospital bags and lists

36 week belly shot (I hate this pic btw)! I will upload a more current belly pic very soon I promise!