Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am 29 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! I was hoping I wouldn't have to make a 29 week update ha! I had hoped that Levi would have been here by now since I have been 75-85 % effaced and dilated for 3-4 weeks now. Not to mention the doctor could already feel Levi's head 4 weeks ago so I have literally been walking around with his head pressing "down there" for a month! Not cool!

I had my ultrasound at my 28 week appointment to look at Levi's size! The ultrasound estimated him at 8 pounds 13 ounces so far (almost 9 pounds) and he is still not finished growing (especially if I end up going over my due date.) His head is measuring large and his little round belly is measuring off the charts. So it appears that he is still a little fatty hehe! The doctor did say that using an ultrasound to determined the weight is not always accurate. She said that Levi could be smaller than we think but on the other hand he could be larger than we think as well and she doesn't want to take any chances. She is afraid that if I carry OVER my due date that he might not fit thought the birth canal then she said that even if he came today he still might not fit. She offered to go ahead and induce me but I told her I wanted to wait a little while longer to see if Levi would come on his own. She said it was up to me but she doesn't suggest going over my due date because he's so large. So we met in the middle and decided to schedule my induction for Wednesday Aug. 15. That way I am still being induced a little early but it gave me 1 more week to see if I go into labor on my own. It also gives Levi another week for his lungs to develop.

In conclusion they are admitting me to labor and delivery Tuesday at 4pm and they are giving me Cervidil to soften the cervix to prepare me for the induction. Then they will keep me overnight and check me Wednesday morning and induce me then. Unless the Cervidil throws me into labor Tuesday night. Which is very possible. Hopefully I can deliver normal and not require a C-section. Fingers crossed!

Symptoms for this week.....lots of pelvic pressure, hip, and groin pain, left hip keeps popping out of the socket (I'm not kidding), bad heartburn, night sweats, braxton hicks contractions, and cramping. As bad as it sounds I have actually become accustomed to all this by now. I don't even remember what it feels like to not be pregnant at this point hahaha! Here are 2 belly shots from the past 2 weeks.

28 Weeks pregnant

29 Weeks pregnant


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