Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am 23 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Just a few more days until I am 24 weeks which is the earliest doctors will work to save a new born preemie. So starting Friday if Levi were to come early he would have a chance at surviving in the NICU! Of course we would never want him to be born this early but it's a relief knowing that he could survive at this point with the help of medical technology if it did happen.

This week I am pretty sure I've had another growth spurt haha! I was sore and achy in my stomach, thighs, and etc for a couple of days then I noticed my belly suddenly looked bigger and my clothes were even tighter! It's crazy because I won't gain any weight for weeks then suddenly over night my belly just pops out and I even have growing pains when it happens. His movements and kicks are continuing to get stronger. He likes to stop moving whenever Jody puts his hand on my stomach though. Jody gets so frustrated and keeps saying "why wont he move for me?!" Bless his heart lol! I can also see him moving through my stomach now which is WEIRD haha! I had no idea I would be able to actually see him moving under my skin! Why didn't anyone tell me this stuff before I was pregnant? Haha! Anyways, even though I still get nauseous from time to time I finally have a appetite for the first time since I've been pregnant! Thank God! Food no longer disgusts me! I'm still not really craving any specific food though but I do seem to like dairy products (like milk, ice cream, and shakes) more lately compared to before I was pregnant. 

I also had my first stranger to comment on my pregnancy while out in public! I guess I officially look pregnant! A guy who was worked at Lowes looked me up and down and said "So what are you having? A boy or girl?" (brave man). Good to know I actually look pregnant and not just fat.

The crib and dresser are still not in :(! I found out that they've been on back order. They won't be here till the last week of May or the first week of June. The crib bedding should be here any day now though and we ordered a chair for the nursery today and it will be here in about a week! So that's all pretty exciting! We also started painting yesterday so we are finally making progress! We decided on an off white color for the nursery. I know it sounds boring but I am actually coping the color scheme of a nursery that I saw online and I think it will look good once we get the room decorated and hang curtains. Here are some pics of Jody painting....he's been working hard :)! Btw..Skip wanted to help too lol!

Next Monday I go back to the doc to have an ultrasound to look at Levi's kidney again. I am also having my sugar test that day to check for gestational diabetes. For those who don't know how the test works.....I can't eat 2 hours before my appointment, then they will give me a special sugar drink, then I have to wait another hour and they will draw my blood. I am a little nervous that I'm going to get sick because I have struggled with nausea throughout my pregnancy and whenever my stomach gets empty it seems to trigger the nausea. Since I wont be able to have any kind of snacks or anything before my appointment I'm a little worried haha. I really don't want to throw up in front of anyone at the doctor! On the bright side I will get to have my ultrasound right after drinking the sugar drink sooooo Levi should be jumping off the walls when we see him hahaha! Here are my 23 week belly shots.....


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