Monday, April 9, 2012


I am 21 weeks and 3 days pregnant today! The most interesting thing that has happened this week is a growth spurt! Seems like my belly popped several inches over night! My back, thighs, hips, belly, and etc. feel extra achy this week from all the stretching! All of a sudden none of my clothes fit! I've been wearing the same baggy t-shirts everyday. Even the maternity shirt I bought a few weeks ago is too tight. I also feel like Dolly Parton because my chest has tripled in size which is another reason nothing fits lol. I went shopping the other day but I really didn't find much. My figure is kinda complicated. I have these tiny little arms and legs, no hips, and no rear end, yet I have this big belly and chest. Oh, and I am short so that complicates things even more haha! It's been hard to find clothes that look right on me. Maybe I can go shopping in Birmingham soon and find some stuff! Other than that not much has changed this week! I've had a nasty cold so I haven't done too much in the past few days! We are going to register at Babies R Us Tomorrow or Wednesday so that will be exciting :)! We are anxious for our next doctor's appointment so we can check on the Butterbean's kidney and we are still waiting for the crib and stuff to arrive! Here is my belly shot for 21 weeks...


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