Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I am 22 weeks and 3 days pregnant today! Not too much has changed this week. The baby's kicks are getting stronger everyday. Sometimes I can even see my stomach move when he kicks which is kinda weird but neat at the same time! We registered at a Babies R Us this week. I was so excited about going and registering! Little did I know my body has changed and walking around a huge store for 2 hours was not near as fun as I thought it would be haha! My back and feet started killing me! I have been a little stressed out this week. Jody and I have both been sick and we've had a few other things going on so we haven't had a chance to paint the nursery yet and the baby's furniture and bedding still aren't here. I've been a little overwhelmed because I feel I'm not preparing fast enough for the baby and time is running out! Yes, I'm only a little over half way through my pregnancy but we have soooo much to do and I am anxious to knock a dent in things! Not to mention the baby could some early since he is HUGE haha! Oh, we also have to find a pediatrician soon too ahhhhhh! Forgot about that haha! Luckily Jody is going to take a few days off next week so we can accomplish some of these things :)! Here is my 22 week belly shot and a pic of me and my grandmother :)! I've been wearing this outfit alot! I really need to go shopping soon for more maternity clothes!


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