Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Whew! What a week! After all the problems that we've had with the baby store in Huntsville and our furniture being on back order it finally came in last week and there was more drama. My parents picked it up for us and hauled it to Tuscaloosa and when we unboxed it was THE WRONG COLOR! We were furious to say the least! Soooo we made the store owners drive to Tuscaloosa themselves to retrieve the wrong crib and bring me the right one! So right now the crib in my nursery but it's still in the box because Jody just had surgery and can't put it together right now :*(. My goal was to have the nursery ready by the time I was 30 weeks pregnant but it looks like it won't be ready till the last minute because of all the circumstances. Meanwhile I've just tried to occupy myself with washing the baby's clothes and etc. which brings me the next subject...NESTING!!!

I have had the worst case of nesting that I've even heard of haha! I really think I need help! I am completely irrational about it too! This past week I washed, dried, and IRONED all Levi's clothes, blankets, bibs, burp cloths, and etc. Yes, I ironed every single thing my child owns including his socks! I ironed his bibs, burp cloths, and crib sheets too! I hung all his outfits and onsies up in his closet and used closet dividers to separate them by size. It took me 2 days to do it all and I worked on it all day. I also washed my pajamas for the hospital and ironed them before packing them in my hospital bag haha! This is the cleanest my house has ever been! You could literally move my washer and dryer and eat off the floor under them if you wanted to! I even cleaned out and organized Jody bathroom drawers the other day and used drawer organizers to organize his shaving stuff! Is that not crazy???? I know it's crazy but I just have the uncontrollable urge to do it all!

I had a doctors appointment last week and that went well. The doctor is still planning on doing another ultrasound soon to keep an eye on Levi's size since he is big and my sugar has been elevated. She also said that she is going to check me at my next appointment on the 16th to see if the baby is making dilate yet so that's kinda exciting and she wants to start seeing me every week now starting on the 16th. Crazy huh?! We are getting close! As far as symptoms go my biggest symptom this week has been Levi's kicks! He kicks me hard now!! It actually hurts really bad haha! I'm glad he's getting strong though! :). Here is my belly shot for week 34. I have had some swelling this week btw....


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