Friday, June 29, 2012


I am 33 weeks pregnant today! I am so late posting my 32 week blog that I figured I would just combine my 32 and 33 week update! The most exciting thing that has happened this past week is my baby showers :)! My cousin Heather threw me a shower in Valley Alabama for my family down there and afterwards I got together with my mom's family and cooked out and opened some gifts at my paw paw's house! I was so excited to see everyone! I hate living so far away from my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. I feel like I miss out on everything. I am glad that I could celebrate Levi's upcoming arrival with everyone though. Never take for granted having your family close by! mom and sister will both tell you that I have a history of making goofy faces in pictures where I am opening gifts!My sister Steffi loves to break out old Christmas and birthday pictures of me just to laugh at my facial expressions! Well, my sweet Aunt Jane emailed me some pics from the baby shower and "WOW" is all I can say. I am making a goofy face in almost every single one of the pictures (not to mention I look swollen) haha! I picked out some of the better pictures to post on here but I figured I would post at least one goofy pic for everyone to see....this was the funniest one! I had just opened a bathtub! Not sure what the face is about! I promise I like the tub!

 Haha! Here are a few more pics that aren't so bad...

Hopefully I will have more shower pics soon from my Valley shower and my Albertville shower once my mom sends me the ones she took (no telling what kinda faces I'll be making in those).

Back to the update on the actual pregnancy......I'm feeling great to be 8 months pregnant! Especially in this 100 degree weather! I do have occasional bad days where I don't feel very well but for the most part everything is great and I am very blessed because I am still able to get around well and be active and productive! If I had to think of any negative symptoms it would be that I'm having a little trouble sleeping at night because of the heartburn, heavy belly, and the numerous trips to the bathroom but my doc said I can take Tylonal PM if I need it! It's really not that bad though. I am fortunate enough to have a sweet husband who is letting me stay home so even when I don't sleep at least I don't have to worry about going to work the next day so I can't complain too much :)!

The baby's furniture FINALLY came in! Yay! My mom and stepdad are bringing it to us Saturday and I can't wait (I will post pics on the next blog)!

I am still nesting on and off! I've been washing light fixtures and cleaning behind and underneath appliances and sterilizing everything lol! I have noticed a change in my priorities lately too! I'm kinda over the shopping and decorating and doctor's visits and the excitment of being pregnant. I am just ready to meet Levi and I have become obsessed with organizing his stuff and my life in general. I really just want to lock myself up in the house and become a hermit and just clean and sterilize and get all his things ready and prepare for his birth haha! I guess that's just part of "nesting" but it's an interesting transition that I have noticed over the past few weeks. It's so funny how mother nature and instincts work huh? Here is my belly shot for week 32/33 (it was taken a few days ago).


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