Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I am 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! The most exciting thing that has happened this week is feeling the baby moving and kicking. On last week's blog I wrote about how I "thought" I might have been feeling little movements but I wasn't sure. Well, a few hours after I had posted that blog I felt a big movement as if the baby flipped over or something then I felt kicks all night and I have felt them ever since! He has been moving like crazy! I'm starting to wonder if he ever sleeps haha! This is a pretty big milestone I guess! I was reading in my baby book that in some cultures a women are not even considered pregnant until the quickening (movements) starts. Other than that not much has changed. Still have a little bit of nausea on and off but it's not too bad. I am NOT craving anything. Most of the time nothing seems very appealing to me food wise. I have been obsessed with cleaning though. I didn't think nesting started until labor was close but according to my google search it can start happening around 5 months which is where I am at! So who knows! I'm just glad I'm being productive because I didn't feel like doing anything in my first trimester! Anyway, here is my 19 week belly shot!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I am 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant today (I'm a little late posting my update)! Not a lot has changed symptom wise since last week. I still feel little sensations every now and then that I believe to be the baby moving around or kicking. The movements are so light and subtle that I often wonder if it's my imagination or if I'm really feeling him. I can't wait until I get a definite kick! The most exciting thing about this week is that we ORDERED THE BABY'S NURSERY FURNITURE! Other than that we have been cleaning out our guest bedrooms, closets, cabinets, etc. all week to make room for Levi's (Butterbean's) stuff. My goal is to have his room empty and painted before his crib and stuff is delivered next month and I also want to have the entire house organized before I gain too much weight and it gets too hot outside. I just want a fresh start for him so I want the whole house to be perfect ( btw I think I'm nesting already)! Anyway, I ordered his furniture Thursday and it should be here in 6-8 weeks! Here is a pic...

Here is my belly shot for week 18. Skip is like "SIGH, can I just go outside now?" Haha!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I am 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant today! I am officially in maternity jeans! They are much more comfortable on the growing belly! My lower back and stuff is starting to get a little bit achy but it doesn't really bother me. It just means we are growing and progressing! Today I thought I may have felt some movement in my belly but I'm not sure. According to my baby books the first movements I will feel will be very light little "taps" or "flutters" which is what I thought I felt today. Hopefully the taps will get stronger and turn into kicks soon! This week we have been all over the place looking at cribs and other baby room furniture. It's a lot of fun but a little overwhelming at the same time. As a stereotypical first time mom I want my baby's room to be perfect and I have put a lot of pressure on my self to pick out the perfect things for him and coordinate everything just right. I know it's silly because the baby will be way too young to even understand what his room looks like but still......I'm afraid I'm going to let him down or something haha! I am going to Huntsville this week to look at one more baby furniture store and that will my last stop before we make a decision on which crib and etc. we want. Hopefully by the time I make my next blog post on here we will have purchased a crib. Anywho....here is my belly shot for this week...

Monday, March 5, 2012


I am 16 weeks and 3 days pregnant today! The nausea is continuing to get a little better everyday and I am now entering the "honeymoon phase" of my pregnancy and I'm going to enjoy the nexts few months before I get huge and uncomfortable haha! I finally get to start shopping and decorating the nursery and best of all we found out the gender today! WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!! We are thrilled. This was literally one of the best days of both our lives. I have always wanted a boy. I was sure I was having a girl so I was shocked and surprised today! Just so you know we would have still been excited if it would have been a girl but I grew up with all sisters so I always thought it would be a different experience to have a boy running around. When the ultrasound tech said it was a boy Jody jumped up out of his chair and yelled "YES!!!" hahaha! I don't think I have ever seen him this happy or excited! Then he came over and held my hand for the rest of the time we were having our ultrasound :)! I feel so blessed!

Jody took this pic of me right as the ultrasound started. Not the best quality but oh well...

We got alot of pics this time. The ultrasound tech was great! My belly has really popped this week. I feel like I'm showing alot for 16 weeks. I hope I'm not too huge by 30-40 weeks haha!

My doctor's office gives you free onsie when you find out what you are having. They have blue writing or pink writing that says "OBGYN Of West Alabama". Of course they gave us a blue one :)! I don't plan on the baby ever wearing it (since it says OBGYN lol) but it's a nice keepsake to remember today :)!

I tried to add my ultasound pics but they wouldn't load up right :\. Guess I will have to try again later. Meanwhile you can view them on my facebook! :)