Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I am 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! The most exciting thing that has happened this week is feeling the baby moving and kicking. On last week's blog I wrote about how I "thought" I might have been feeling little movements but I wasn't sure. Well, a few hours after I had posted that blog I felt a big movement as if the baby flipped over or something then I felt kicks all night and I have felt them ever since! He has been moving like crazy! I'm starting to wonder if he ever sleeps haha! This is a pretty big milestone I guess! I was reading in my baby book that in some cultures a women are not even considered pregnant until the quickening (movements) starts. Other than that not much has changed. Still have a little bit of nausea on and off but it's not too bad. I am NOT craving anything. Most of the time nothing seems very appealing to me food wise. I have been obsessed with cleaning though. I didn't think nesting started until labor was close but according to my google search it can start happening around 5 months which is where I am at! So who knows! I'm just glad I'm being productive because I didn't feel like doing anything in my first trimester! Anyway, here is my 19 week belly shot!


Cherry Berry said...

What a cute belly! And yay for feeling the baby kick!! Isn't it the most awesome thing ever?! I miss that part of being pregnant. :(

Kelly Dean said...

Awe! Thank you! It is amazing! Most of the time it just doesn't seem real that I'm pregnant so I am blown away everytime I feel him move!

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