Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I am 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant today! I am leaving for Mobile in the morning so I've been busy packing which is why my blog is late. The most exciting thing that has happened this week is that we had another ultrasound to look at the baby's enlarged kidney and it is a normal size now! Yay for answered prayers! The baby bedding finally came in this week and it is absolutely beautiful! It's everything we hoped it would be! We are doing a vintage Peter Rabbit theme in the nursery and we had the bedding special made :)!

I am starting to get HUGE  haha! Or at least that's how I feel. I haven't been feeling that great this week either. Ever since the weather has gotten into the high 80s I've been getting sick again. I almost passed out at the dog groomer's the other day. I was dropping Skip off and it was soooo hot in that place. make a long embarrassing story short I had to lay down in the floor at the groomers and I ended up getting sick in the parking lot and in my car when I left. The sweet christian couple that owns the grooming place felt bad for me and didn't charge me for Skips cut this time which I thought was really sweet of them. Also, my hips and pelvis feel like the bones are breaking apart this week but I read that the hormone "relaxin" causes your joints to loosen as your body prepares for labor. Sooo it's all perfectly normal and part of the process I guess.

I had my sugar test Monday and failed it. I know alot of women who have failed it by a point or two but I failed it by 37 points and the nurse said it was really high. Now I have to go in for the 3 hour sugar test. Hopefully I pass this one because if I have gestational diabetes I wont be able to eat anything good for the next 3 months :(. is a pic of the baby bedding (and a little preview of what the nursery is gonna look like). The blue is alot lighter in person. It looks dark in the pic for some reason.

Here is my 24 week belly shot. I have to be honest...I look a lot bigger in person than in this pic. I love how slimming this black shirt is haha.


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