Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I am 25 weeks pregnant today! I am feeling ok other than a little back pain and some major major acid reflux! Hopefully I can talk my doc into writing me a prescription because the Tums just aren't cutting it anymore. My belly button disappeared this week haha! I spent 3 days in Mobile with my family. We got up early Saturday morning to go fishing. I had a belly button when we left the hotel that morning but when we returned later that evening I was getting dressed for dinner and noticed it was gone hahaha! I guess it has officially popped out but right now it is level with the rest of my belly so it just looks like I don't have a belly button hehe!

So yeah...that brings me to the fishing trip. Yes, I went deep sea fishing at 6 months pregnant. Actually I was over 6 months pregnant haha! I got some strange looks especially while I was waiting in line to get my salt water fishing license but I was a trooper and caught several fish including a small shark. Sure the shark got away as we were trying to put it in the boat but I still claim it haha! I'm not going to lie! It was a rough fishing trip. I did feel very nauseous on and off the whole time but I never officially got sick and then a huge down pour came. Luckily I had brought a poncho with me but all the rocking during the storm made me very queasy. Over all I had a great time though and I have to say I think I outdid the boys (my stepdad and stepbrother). They were pretty pitiful later that night after our fishing adventure but I was ready to shower go out to dinner or go the beach! Proof that women are tougher than men ;)!

Right now it is 11pm. I have to start fasting in an hour for my 3 hour sugar test tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it! Anyway...here is my 25 week belly shot...


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