Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I am 27 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Holy cow! Just 2 more days and I will be in my 3rd trimester which is the last trimester of pregnancy. I can't believe we are almost to the final stretch! Not too much has changed this week. I am still growing and feeling a little uncomfortable as I try to sleep at night because of the heartburn and the big awkward belly. It's also getting more and more difficult for me to walk around a mall or grocery store for long periods of time because my back and feet start to hurt. Things are about to really get busy for us! My sister and step brother's graduations are coming up. Starting next week I will have to start seeing my doctor every other week instead of once a month. My first shower is in a week and a half. Our 4D ultrasound and my Rhogam shot is 2 days after my shower. The crib and stuff will be here any day now. I've still got to make the curtains for the baby's room, buy window blinds and etc. We are having our carpets professionally cleaned next week in preparation for the baby and we start birth classes in a few weeks and I will also need to start getting things ready to pack a hospital bag in the next several weeks and the list goes on!  Ahhhh, so much to do but I am super excited! Here is my belly shot for week 27 (yes, I'm getting huge!).


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