Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I am 26 weeks and  4 days pregnant today! I have a lot to talk about this week. If you read my last blog then you know that I failed my 1 hour glucose test. So I had to go back to the doctor to take the 3 hour glucose test and I barely passed this time! When I took the 1 hour test they asked me what flavor glucose drink I wanted. Fruit punch, lemon, line, or orange. I chose the fruit punch and let me just say I don't suggest that flavor! I hated it! It didn't taste like fruit punch at all to me. It tasted like cold cough syrup with several table spoons of sugar in it. So when I went back for the 3 hour glucose test I chose the orange drink (which is the common glucose drink flavor that most doctors offices use). The orange drink was much better. Actually, I liked it for the most part. It's just a little difficult to drink something so sweet and cold that fast (they make you down it). I thought it would be hard to sit at the doctors office for 3 hours but it wasn't too bad. The worst part was fasting and feeling hungry the whole time. I spent the first hour on my cell phone talking to a friend and I passed my blood test that time. The second hour I walked around the hospital and went to the gift shop and ect. but I failed my blood test that hour because my sugar was too high. The nurse told me that I would have to pass in the third hour to be "in the clear". I spent the third hour playing on my cell phone and chatting on the phone with my mom. She told me that she was going to pray for me and that God was going to take care of my sugar and that I was going to pass this time and when they drew my blood again I DID PASS :)! My sugar dropped over 90 points in the last hour and they told me to go EAT! So I went to Northport Diner and ordered pot roast, okra, cabbage, and banana pudding! Yum!

I am starting to crave sweets (ironic since I was almost diagnosed with diabetes huh lol). Before I was pregnant I wasn't a big fan of sweets. I loved spicy, salty, and sour foods. I've never been a big dessert person. Well, that has changed! I usually have to have something sweet everyday now (although I try not to go overboard). I've been eating a lot of banana pudding and ice cream lately. I've also been wanting orange soda and candy. Bad, I know!

My belly has definitely grown more this week. It's starting to get a little difficult to shave my legs or paint my toenails. Also, the skin on my stomach hurts and itches! It's stretched so tight that I honestly don't know how it could possibly stretch anymore but I know it's gonna have to over the next 3 months. I'm still able to walk around and sit and bend over pretty easily but I have a lot of trouble when I lie down at night. It's difficult for me to roll from one side to another and it's also difficult for me to get up from a lying position which is a problem when you have to go to the bathroom 20 times a night (that's not an exaggeration).  As far as stretch marks go I have a few faint white stretch marks one each one of my hips but they aren't noticeable (yet) unless you are looking for them. Hopefully they don't get any worst. I am very fortunate that I don't have any across my belly so far (knock on wood).

We are still waiting on the crib and stuff to arrive but we did pick up the glider chair and ottoman for the nursery this past week. So far this chair is the only furniture we have in the nursery right now :(. Here is a pic of the new chair with part of the baby bedding draped over it.

Here is my belly shot for week 26.


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