Friday, June 29, 2012


I am 33 weeks pregnant today! I am so late posting my 32 week blog that I figured I would just combine my 32 and 33 week update! The most exciting thing that has happened this past week is my baby showers :)! My cousin Heather threw me a shower in Valley Alabama for my family down there and afterwards I got together with my mom's family and cooked out and opened some gifts at my paw paw's house! I was so excited to see everyone! I hate living so far away from my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. I feel like I miss out on everything. I am glad that I could celebrate Levi's upcoming arrival with everyone though. Never take for granted having your family close by! mom and sister will both tell you that I have a history of making goofy faces in pictures where I am opening gifts!My sister Steffi loves to break out old Christmas and birthday pictures of me just to laugh at my facial expressions! Well, my sweet Aunt Jane emailed me some pics from the baby shower and "WOW" is all I can say. I am making a goofy face in almost every single one of the pictures (not to mention I look swollen) haha! I picked out some of the better pictures to post on here but I figured I would post at least one goofy pic for everyone to see....this was the funniest one! I had just opened a bathtub! Not sure what the face is about! I promise I like the tub!

 Haha! Here are a few more pics that aren't so bad...

Hopefully I will have more shower pics soon from my Valley shower and my Albertville shower once my mom sends me the ones she took (no telling what kinda faces I'll be making in those).

Back to the update on the actual pregnancy......I'm feeling great to be 8 months pregnant! Especially in this 100 degree weather! I do have occasional bad days where I don't feel very well but for the most part everything is great and I am very blessed because I am still able to get around well and be active and productive! If I had to think of any negative symptoms it would be that I'm having a little trouble sleeping at night because of the heartburn, heavy belly, and the numerous trips to the bathroom but my doc said I can take Tylonal PM if I need it! It's really not that bad though. I am fortunate enough to have a sweet husband who is letting me stay home so even when I don't sleep at least I don't have to worry about going to work the next day so I can't complain too much :)!

The baby's furniture FINALLY came in! Yay! My mom and stepdad are bringing it to us Saturday and I can't wait (I will post pics on the next blog)!

I am still nesting on and off! I've been washing light fixtures and cleaning behind and underneath appliances and sterilizing everything lol! I have noticed a change in my priorities lately too! I'm kinda over the shopping and decorating and doctor's visits and the excitment of being pregnant. I am just ready to meet Levi and I have become obsessed with organizing his stuff and my life in general. I really just want to lock myself up in the house and become a hermit and just clean and sterilize and get all his things ready and prepare for his birth haha! I guess that's just part of "nesting" but it's an interesting transition that I have noticed over the past few weeks. It's so funny how mother nature and instincts work huh? Here is my belly shot for week 32/33 (it was taken a few days ago).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Good sugar looks better since my last appointment. I guess cutting back on sugar and carbs helped. They are still saying that Levi is huge! The doc says they will do another ultrasound when I'm closer to my due date in order to monitor his size. She said there is no point in worrying about it right now though because he isn't coming out right now. I guess there is still a possibility his size may even out some before he is born. His heart rate was 152 and the doc says he has a big round belly :)!

We are having some problems with the baby store that we ordered the furniture from. We ordered it and paid for it in full back in early March and we still don't have it. The day we ordered it we were told that it was NOT one of the cribs on back order and that we would get it in 6 weeks! Now they are claiming that it's been on back order for months which is why they haven't gotten it in yet. Each week the store tells us the crib will be here "next week" then when that week comes we are told that it will actually be "the next week". Last week we were told that the furniture would definitely be here Monday (yesterday). Well, we called them yesterday and they claimed the truck broke down and so they wont get it till Wednesday (tomorrow). We shall see. I am very disappointed because I'm ready to finish my nursery but I am trying not to think about it too much because I don't need the stress myself. My parents however are furious. My mom says she is going up there and she is going to "rake them across the coals" if the furniture isn't here this week. Which is fine with me. I am more than glad to let her handle it. Maybe she can get me some of my money back!

Today we worked on refinishing an antique dresser for the baby's room. My mom bought it for me when I was born and my paw paw refinished it for her. Now Jody is refinishing it again to match the rest of the furniture in our baby's nursery. I ordered some Peter Rabbit dresser knobs off of Ebay to go with it :)! I can't wait till it is finished! Anywho, here is my belly shot for 31 weeks (FYI, this was taken at the end of a long day after being outside so it's not the cutest pic lol).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I am 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! I can't believe it! 30 seems like such a big number! I am just a little over 9 weeks away from my due date and less than 6 weeks from being considered "full term". The most exciting thing that has happened this week is that we bought our stroller and car seat. I know it sounds silly but I feel like it's a pretty big step. Jody and I went to the Summit in Birmingham tonight because they have the largest Babies R Us in the state :D. We got the stroller and car seat and a few other things and then we went to dinner and a movie :). For those who don't know Jody is off on Tuesdays so Tuesdays are treated like Saturdays at our house (which is why I am always up so late on Tuesdays). Here are some pics from tonight:

The new dad with the new stroller and car seat :)

Jody's giant burrito from The Cheesecake Factory

This week's symptoms include lots of heartburn, back aches, and general normal uncomfortableness of a giant stretching belly! Oh, wee still do not have our furniture for the baby's room :(. We ordered our crib and stuff from a store in Huntsville called "All About Baby" at the beginning of March and I will never ever do business with them again. Each week they assure me that my crib is on it's way and each week passes and I never hear from them so I call and I am always told that it will be here "the next week" and that it's been on back order even though I was told that it was NOT on back order the day we bought it. My mom called them for me this week and I think she got a little ugly with them so hopefully we will get our stuff soon or else I will be asking for my money back.

After having our 4D ultrasound and our shower I am more anxious than ever for Levi to be here. I am kinda over being pregnant, shopping, decorating, and planning at this point. I am just ready to hold my son! He looked so sweet on the ultrasound and we have a house full of cute new things just waiting for him :). I love him already. are some fun belly shots for this week. I decided to go ahead and show my bare belly before it starts looking to gross haha! It kinda looks like it's about to pop huh? Well that's exactly how it feels too haha!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I am 29 weeks and 5 days pregnant today! Yes, I am very late posting this blog as I am almost 30 weeks pregnant. It's been a very busy week for me though. Two very exciting things happened this week...I had my first baby shower Saturday and we had our 4D ultrasound on Monday! The shower turned out great. My friend Blair did a wonderful job. The shower was held in the Albertville First Baptist Tea Room (my old church) and it was a Peter Rabbit themed shower (like the nursery).

 The 4D ultrasound went great! My doctor's visit DID NOT! We got some good shots of Levi. He slept most of the time but we had a clear view of his face at least. He kept opening and closing his mouth and we joke that it's because I ate banana pudding before the ultrasound haha. He also smiled once for us which was really sweet. He looked very peaceful and happy in there too which made me feel good. Just like when we had our 20 week ultrasound the nurse says Levi is huge. Not only is he a big baby, he is bigger than most "big babies". He is in the 97-98the percentile for his size. He should weigh about 2.5 pounds right now and he weight over 4 pounds. He had chubby little cheeks and a big round belly. When the doc came in he was a little concerned. If you read some of my other blogs you know that I barely passed the diabetes test...well this time they found sugar in my urine and my weight has shot up and Levi is twice the size he should be. These are all signs of gestational diabetes. The doc says he thinks I have a glucose tolerance problem (even though I passed the test). He told me to lay off sugar and carbohydrates and to even stay away from fruit and they are going to be monitoring Levi's size. He said they aren't going to make any decisions before I am 36 weeks though. I have no idea if they will want to induce early or what. Guess we will find out. The doctor told me that I've gained too much weight since my last visit which really upset me. Usually I get a lot heck about being too small and now I'm being told I gained too much weight?!!! Not easy for any woman to hear! I hope to go in to labor on my own. I don't want to be induced and I don't want a c-section so it's time for some prayers.

Here is a picture from 29 weeks...I'm going to cheat and use the pic from my shower. I am bad sick with the sinus crud right so I don't want to take a pic of me in my PJs with no makeup and a red stuffy nose haha! P.S. my face looks much fatter in my shower pics than in person. Just wanted to be clear on that lol.