Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I am 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! I can't believe it! 30 seems like such a big number! I am just a little over 9 weeks away from my due date and less than 6 weeks from being considered "full term". The most exciting thing that has happened this week is that we bought our stroller and car seat. I know it sounds silly but I feel like it's a pretty big step. Jody and I went to the Summit in Birmingham tonight because they have the largest Babies R Us in the state :D. We got the stroller and car seat and a few other things and then we went to dinner and a movie :). For those who don't know Jody is off on Tuesdays so Tuesdays are treated like Saturdays at our house (which is why I am always up so late on Tuesdays). Here are some pics from tonight:

The new dad with the new stroller and car seat :)

Jody's giant burrito from The Cheesecake Factory

This week's symptoms include lots of heartburn, back aches, and general normal uncomfortableness of a giant stretching belly! Oh, wee still do not have our furniture for the baby's room :(. We ordered our crib and stuff from a store in Huntsville called "All About Baby" at the beginning of March and I will never ever do business with them again. Each week they assure me that my crib is on it's way and each week passes and I never hear from them so I call and I am always told that it will be here "the next week" and that it's been on back order even though I was told that it was NOT on back order the day we bought it. My mom called them for me this week and I think she got a little ugly with them so hopefully we will get our stuff soon or else I will be asking for my money back.

After having our 4D ultrasound and our shower I am more anxious than ever for Levi to be here. I am kinda over being pregnant, shopping, decorating, and planning at this point. I am just ready to hold my son! He looked so sweet on the ultrasound and we have a house full of cute new things just waiting for him :). I love him already. are some fun belly shots for this week. I decided to go ahead and show my bare belly before it starts looking to gross haha! It kinda looks like it's about to pop huh? Well that's exactly how it feels too haha!


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