Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Good news...my sugar looks better since my last appointment. I guess cutting back on sugar and carbs helped. They are still saying that Levi is huge! The doc says they will do another ultrasound when I'm closer to my due date in order to monitor his size. She said there is no point in worrying about it right now though because he isn't coming out right now. I guess there is still a possibility his size may even out some before he is born. His heart rate was 152 and the doc says he has a big round belly :)!

We are having some problems with the baby store that we ordered the furniture from. We ordered it and paid for it in full back in early March and we still don't have it. The day we ordered it we were told that it was NOT one of the cribs on back order and that we would get it in 6 weeks! Now they are claiming that it's been on back order for months which is why they haven't gotten it in yet. Each week the store tells us the crib will be here "next week" then when that week comes we are told that it will actually be "the next week". Last week we were told that the furniture would definitely be here Monday (yesterday). Well, we called them yesterday and they claimed the truck broke down and so they wont get it till Wednesday (tomorrow). We shall see. I am very disappointed because I'm ready to finish my nursery but I am trying not to think about it too much because I don't need the stress myself. My parents however are furious. My mom says she is going up there and she is going to "rake them across the coals" if the furniture isn't here this week. Which is fine with me. I am more than glad to let her handle it. Maybe she can get me some of my money back!

Today we worked on refinishing an antique dresser for the baby's room. My mom bought it for me when I was born and my paw paw refinished it for her. Now Jody is refinishing it again to match the rest of the furniture in our baby's nursery. I ordered some Peter Rabbit dresser knobs off of Ebay to go with it :)! I can't wait till it is finished! Anywho, here is my belly shot for 31 weeks (FYI, this was taken at the end of a long day after being outside so it's not the cutest pic lol).


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