Sunday, February 26, 2012


I am 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! Wow, 15 feels like a big number! I'm almost halfway through my pregnancy!

Good news: this week the nausea has started getting better! Finally!!! Unfortunately, I have had the sinus crud all week so I still haven't felt that great. I have been taking a ton of vitamin C though (since I can't take meds) and that has really helped. Jody is off tomorrow and Tuesday and we are planning on tackling the extra bedrooms so that we can start on the nursery in the near future. Right now we have a guest bedroom and a office/junk room. We are going to be using the office/junk room for the nursery and as of right now it looks like something from that show "Horders" so we have our work cut out for us! Hopefully I can take some "before and after" pics to put on here :)!

Ok, here is my 15 week belly shot. I hate this picture but we were getting ready to leave to go see a broadway play and we were running late so we didn't have time to take a better one. Not sure why my underarm looks so white haha. I guess it was the flash!
Just an FYI....Yes, I wore a cardigan over this outfit but I had to take it off for the pic because you wouldn't have been able to see the belly with it on. If I look smaller in this pic compared to previous pics it's because I am smaller. I lost a little bit of weight because the week before last I had pretty severe nausea and this week I had a sinus infection and mostly lived off of soup and water. No worries though...I'm starting to feel better now and I'm finally getting my appetite back!

I've been looking for maternity jeans. So far I have only found one pair that fit but they were really light colored "skinny jeans". Not really my taste so I didn't buy them. I guess I will have to keep looking. I've been mostly wearing sweat pants everyday. Sometimes I wear my jeans but I have to wear them unbuttoned with a belly band over them. I got the belly band from Target. It allows you to wear you regular jeans a little longer.

Not really craving anything in particular yet and I still have not felt the baby move. I should start to feel movement any day now though :) I can't wait!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I am 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! Only 2 weeks left until we find out if we are having a boy or girl! I can't wait! We will finally be able to call the baby by its name and start on the nursery and etc.!

Anyways....symptoms for this past week: Still pretty nauseous all day everyday. My appetite has gotten a little better though. I hope that means the nausea will get better soon too. I've noticed that I have more energy compared to the first trimester. I started to notice some pelvic pain especially when I stand up too fast or roll over at night but according to all my pregnancy books this is normal for the second trimester. It's caused from everything stretching.

My mom and sister are in town visiting this weekend and I am excited to be spending some much needed time with them! Mom is grilling us steaks tonight and she bought me some fruit and a few other things from Publix :)! Mommas are the best! It's so nice to have someone else cook dinner for a change :D!  We are planning on visiting some baby boutiques tomorrow :)! Here is my 14 week belly shot (Skip was being curious and decided to be in the pic haha).
I wonder if Skip knows that I'm pregnant or if he's just thinking that I need to lay off the desserts? Lol.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I am 13 weeks pregnant today (02/10/12)! I can't believe I'm in the teens now! It wont be long before I am half way through this pregnancy! The baby is the size of a peach this week! We saw the doctor yesterday and everything still looks good so far. Butterbean's heart beat is 150! When the nurse put the doppler on my belly to listen to the heart beat the baby kept moving away from it! Jody says the baby is grumpy like me and was yelling "Hey! I'm trying to sleep in here!" haha! I asked the doctor about me waking up over and over in the middle of the night starving. I told her I have to keep snacks on my night stand and I asked if this was normal (I wanted to make sure my sugar wasn't low or something) but she just laughed at me :/. I am still nauseous all day but I'm learning to live with it. We find out the gender at our next doctor's visit on March 5th! I CAN NOT wait! 

Jody said my outfit looked funny that day. I think he was right. It looked alot better on Pinterest! Haha! Oh well...

Thursday, February 9, 2012


At 12 weeks pregnant I am still nauseated but I guess you could say I'm learning to live with it! My stomach is hungry 24/7 but my brain hates food. Everything disgusts me lately but I eat anyway because if I don't the nausea is worst. I've learned that the only way to keep from getting sick is to never let your stomach get too empty. I am also waking up every 2 hours in the middle of the night starving so I have to keep some crackers on my nightstand and snack throughout the night (my doctor seems to think this is funny). Smells have started to bother me as well. Yesterday I was ironing my shirt for church and I gagged when the steam smell from the iron reached my nose. Who would have ever thought that the smell of steam could make a person sick but pregnancy is weird like that lol. We are starting to get really excited! We have decided this week what we are doing our nursery in and we have already picked a name for each gender. Now we are just waiting to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl so that we can start shopping and decorating :)! Here is my 12 week pregnancy pic:

Looks like a bump to me!


11 weeks!!! Sorry! I skipped a few weeks! I was out of town for my friends wedding around 9 weeks, then around 10 weeks the morning sickness and nausea hit hard! At 10 weeks I really couldn't even function without taking the Zofran at least once everyday! Here is my 11 week pregnancy pic:

Starting to put on a little weight! Oh, and if I look a little yellow in this pic it's prolly because I have Jandice from not using the bathroom all week! Another lovely side effect of pregnancy that noone tells you about! Ok, so I was just kidding about having Jandice but seriously... it turns out that the pregnancy hormones slow down your digestive system (or in my case brings them to a complete stop).


8 weeks! This was an exciting time because we met with our new doctor for the first time and had our first ultrasound! We were so excited and nervous at the same time! The ultrasound looked great though! We could see the baby's heart flickering away and we even saw the baby move a little! Towards the end of the ultrasound Butterbean (our baby's nickname) even stuck his/her little hand up like he/she was waving at us :)! When Jody saw our baby on the screen for the first time it shocked him! His jaw dropped and you could tell that it had just registered with him that I was indeed pregnant! It was so cute because he was so excited that all he could do was laugh the whole time!

Oh yeah, 8 weeks is also when the nausea started to kick it. I was starting to feel queasy on and off during the day so the doc prescribed me some Zofran to take "as needed".


At 7 weeks pregnant I had just recovered from the worst stomach flu I've ever had in my life! I ended up at the Emergency Room. I couldn't keep anything down for 2-3 days. We thought it was sickness from being pregnant but the ER doctor told us that there was a state wide stomach flu outbreak and it was the worst he had seen in his career. He said I most likely had that virus and since pregnancy weakens the immune system my body was having a hard time fighting it off. Turns out he was right because when my blood work came back my white blood cell count was high (which doesn't happen with morning sickness). On the bright side....that virus makes my morning sickness seem like a walk in the park haha!


This picture was taken on Christmas weekend! I was 6 weeks pregnant! This is the weekend I finally got to tell my family the big news!! I found a cute poem from the unborn baby to the grandparents so I printed to poem out and framed it! Each one of our parents got to open their poem on Christmas and that's how they learned the big news. This is what the poem said :

Dear Grandma,

I do not yet have a face to see,
Or to put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss.
I don't yet have a name.

Not yet can you hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.

But all that will change in
That’s when they say I am due.
I’m your new grandchild;
And I can't wait to meet you!

All I ask between now and then
Is your love for me to grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait;
Just think of all the joy we'll know!

So as you're waiting patiently,
Please pray lots of prayers for me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family!


At 5 weeks pregnant I felt pretty good for the most part. Just stayed really hungry all the time and I was really anxious for Christmas so that I could tell my family!


At 4 weeks pregant I did not have a belly yet and we had not told our families yet (we were waiting till Christmas). I didn't have any major pregnancy symptoms yet but I had just been feeling kinda "different"  which is what prompted me to take a pregnancy test. I got suspicious when I couldn't drink my morning coffee anymore without feeling sick. I also was felt kinda heavy and achey in my lower stomach.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

GOD HEALS! (Our battle with infertility)

After many months doctors visits, blood work, pills, ovulations tests, painful procedures, prayers, and hope we FINALLY CONCEIVED! We had been trying for a baby for months and keeping the whole thing a secret. We didn't tell our families that we were trying because we wanted them to be surprised when I finally got pregnant. Little did we know we would have so much trouble. In November 2011 I was so depressed and discourage with our problems that I finally broke down and called my mom. I needed her support more that ever so I finally filled her in on everything. I told her that I felt like God was angry with me and that he was punishing me. I had fallen lower in my faith than ever before. Mom immediately began to minister to me and reminded me that God loves me and that he longs to fufill the desires of my heart. I still wasn't convinced so she came to visit me the weekend before Thanksgiving and it took that whole weekend for her to convince me that God still loved me and that he wanted to bless us with a child. She gave me a book called Supernatural Child Birth. It's a Christian book for women with fertility problems. Before Mom left my house that weekend she and the rest of my family laid hands on me and prayed over me. Mom looked at me as she was walking out the door and said "Kelly, when you come to visit me for Christmas, you are going to have big news!" I told her not to get her hopes up but she insisted that God had healed me and I would be pregnant by Christmas. I began reading the book she gave me and it changed my whole outlook. I was quickly reminded that God forgives and he heals and that he is full of mercy. My favorite verse that I discovered was Psalm 113:9: "He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD." I learned more about faith and prayer within the next few weeks than I had ever learned before! Then on December 5 (not even a month later) I stopped at Target on my way home from work and picked up an early result pregnancy test. The same test pregnancy I had taken over and over for months, The same test that always gave me the same heartbreaking result. The same one that would always leave me crushed and crying in my batheroom but this time it was different! This time it was POSITIVE! When I looked at the test there was a faint second pink line! It was as if I had seen God himself! I was in shock and disbelief! God allowed me to conceive and just in time for Christmas! My mom was right and her faith paid off because on Christmas of 2011 I showed up at her house and changed her life forever when I told her she was going to be a grandma! I wanted this testimony to be my first post on this blog because Jesus deserves praise and glory for this! I am proof that faith and prayer works. If you are struggling with faith and prayer then start by asking God to strengthen your faith and teach you how to pray. That's what I had to do. Sometimes we have to take baby steps. God bless!