Sunday, February 19, 2012


I am 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! Only 2 weeks left until we find out if we are having a boy or girl! I can't wait! We will finally be able to call the baby by its name and start on the nursery and etc.!

Anyways....symptoms for this past week: Still pretty nauseous all day everyday. My appetite has gotten a little better though. I hope that means the nausea will get better soon too. I've noticed that I have more energy compared to the first trimester. I started to notice some pelvic pain especially when I stand up too fast or roll over at night but according to all my pregnancy books this is normal for the second trimester. It's caused from everything stretching.

My mom and sister are in town visiting this weekend and I am excited to be spending some much needed time with them! Mom is grilling us steaks tonight and she bought me some fruit and a few other things from Publix :)! Mommas are the best! It's so nice to have someone else cook dinner for a change :D!  We are planning on visiting some baby boutiques tomorrow :)! Here is my 14 week belly shot (Skip was being curious and decided to be in the pic haha).
I wonder if Skip knows that I'm pregnant or if he's just thinking that I need to lay off the desserts? Lol.


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