Sunday, February 26, 2012


I am 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! Wow, 15 feels like a big number! I'm almost halfway through my pregnancy!

Good news: this week the nausea has started getting better! Finally!!! Unfortunately, I have had the sinus crud all week so I still haven't felt that great. I have been taking a ton of vitamin C though (since I can't take meds) and that has really helped. Jody is off tomorrow and Tuesday and we are planning on tackling the extra bedrooms so that we can start on the nursery in the near future. Right now we have a guest bedroom and a office/junk room. We are going to be using the office/junk room for the nursery and as of right now it looks like something from that show "Horders" so we have our work cut out for us! Hopefully I can take some "before and after" pics to put on here :)!

Ok, here is my 15 week belly shot. I hate this picture but we were getting ready to leave to go see a broadway play and we were running late so we didn't have time to take a better one. Not sure why my underarm looks so white haha. I guess it was the flash!
Just an FYI....Yes, I wore a cardigan over this outfit but I had to take it off for the pic because you wouldn't have been able to see the belly with it on. If I look smaller in this pic compared to previous pics it's because I am smaller. I lost a little bit of weight because the week before last I had pretty severe nausea and this week I had a sinus infection and mostly lived off of soup and water. No worries though...I'm starting to feel better now and I'm finally getting my appetite back!

I've been looking for maternity jeans. So far I have only found one pair that fit but they were really light colored "skinny jeans". Not really my taste so I didn't buy them. I guess I will have to keep looking. I've been mostly wearing sweat pants everyday. Sometimes I wear my jeans but I have to wear them unbuttoned with a belly band over them. I got the belly band from Target. It allows you to wear you regular jeans a little longer.

Not really craving anything in particular yet and I still have not felt the baby move. I should start to feel movement any day now though :) I can't wait!


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