Thursday, February 9, 2012


8 weeks! This was an exciting time because we met with our new doctor for the first time and had our first ultrasound! We were so excited and nervous at the same time! The ultrasound looked great though! We could see the baby's heart flickering away and we even saw the baby move a little! Towards the end of the ultrasound Butterbean (our baby's nickname) even stuck his/her little hand up like he/she was waving at us :)! When Jody saw our baby on the screen for the first time it shocked him! His jaw dropped and you could tell that it had just registered with him that I was indeed pregnant! It was so cute because he was so excited that all he could do was laugh the whole time!

Oh yeah, 8 weeks is also when the nausea started to kick it. I was starting to feel queasy on and off during the day so the doc prescribed me some Zofran to take "as needed".


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