Thursday, February 9, 2012


At 12 weeks pregnant I am still nauseated but I guess you could say I'm learning to live with it! My stomach is hungry 24/7 but my brain hates food. Everything disgusts me lately but I eat anyway because if I don't the nausea is worst. I've learned that the only way to keep from getting sick is to never let your stomach get too empty. I am also waking up every 2 hours in the middle of the night starving so I have to keep some crackers on my nightstand and snack throughout the night (my doctor seems to think this is funny). Smells have started to bother me as well. Yesterday I was ironing my shirt for church and I gagged when the steam smell from the iron reached my nose. Who would have ever thought that the smell of steam could make a person sick but pregnancy is weird like that lol. We are starting to get really excited! We have decided this week what we are doing our nursery in and we have already picked a name for each gender. Now we are just waiting to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl so that we can start shopping and decorating :)! Here is my 12 week pregnancy pic:

Looks like a bump to me!


Lady Noelle said...

awe so cute great blog

Kelly Dean said...

Thank you! This is alot more fun than writing in my pregnancy journal lol.

Cherry Berry said...

What a cute baby bump!!!! So glad you are blogging again. I love reading it.

Kelly Dean said...

Thank you! I've gotten a new computer since they last time I tried to blog so it's much easier! I'm gonna stick to it this time lol.

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