Friday, February 10, 2012


I am 13 weeks pregnant today (02/10/12)! I can't believe I'm in the teens now! It wont be long before I am half way through this pregnancy! The baby is the size of a peach this week! We saw the doctor yesterday and everything still looks good so far. Butterbean's heart beat is 150! When the nurse put the doppler on my belly to listen to the heart beat the baby kept moving away from it! Jody says the baby is grumpy like me and was yelling "Hey! I'm trying to sleep in here!" haha! I asked the doctor about me waking up over and over in the middle of the night starving. I told her I have to keep snacks on my night stand and I asked if this was normal (I wanted to make sure my sugar wasn't low or something) but she just laughed at me :/. I am still nauseous all day but I'm learning to live with it. We find out the gender at our next doctor's visit on March 5th! I CAN NOT wait! 

Jody said my outfit looked funny that day. I think he was right. It looked alot better on Pinterest! Haha! Oh well...


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