Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am 29 weeks and 2 days pregnant today! I was hoping I wouldn't have to make a 29 week update ha! I had hoped that Levi would have been here by now since I have been 75-85 % effaced and dilated for 3-4 weeks now. Not to mention the doctor could already feel Levi's head 4 weeks ago so I have literally been walking around with his head pressing "down there" for a month! Not cool!

I had my ultrasound at my 28 week appointment to look at Levi's size! The ultrasound estimated him at 8 pounds 13 ounces so far (almost 9 pounds) and he is still not finished growing (especially if I end up going over my due date.) His head is measuring large and his little round belly is measuring off the charts. So it appears that he is still a little fatty hehe! The doctor did say that using an ultrasound to determined the weight is not always accurate. She said that Levi could be smaller than we think but on the other hand he could be larger than we think as well and she doesn't want to take any chances. She is afraid that if I carry OVER my due date that he might not fit thought the birth canal then she said that even if he came today he still might not fit. She offered to go ahead and induce me but I told her I wanted to wait a little while longer to see if Levi would come on his own. She said it was up to me but she doesn't suggest going over my due date because he's so large. So we met in the middle and decided to schedule my induction for Wednesday Aug. 15. That way I am still being induced a little early but it gave me 1 more week to see if I go into labor on my own. It also gives Levi another week for his lungs to develop.

In conclusion they are admitting me to labor and delivery Tuesday at 4pm and they are giving me Cervidil to soften the cervix to prepare me for the induction. Then they will keep me overnight and check me Wednesday morning and induce me then. Unless the Cervidil throws me into labor Tuesday night. Which is very possible. Hopefully I can deliver normal and not require a C-section. Fingers crossed!

Symptoms for this week.....lots of pelvic pressure, hip, and groin pain, left hip keeps popping out of the socket (I'm not kidding), bad heartburn, night sweats, braxton hicks contractions, and cramping. As bad as it sounds I have actually become accustomed to all this by now. I don't even remember what it feels like to not be pregnant at this point hahaha! Here are 2 belly shots from the past 2 weeks.

28 Weeks pregnant

29 Weeks pregnant

Friday, August 3, 2012


I am exactly 38 weeks pregnant today! I haven't updated since 35 weeks! Sorry bout that! Not long after my 35 week update I started experiencing some changes. Instead of having a ton of energy and nesting and wanting to clean constantly I started getting really fatigued and feeling alot of pressure in my hips and pelvic area to the point that it was difficult to walk. So I haven't really been as motivated to update my blog and I'm getting burned out on cleaning and organizing haha. I really just wanna park it on the couch until labor starts but I am doing my best to stay active and move alot because that's what the doc suggested.

At my 35 week doctor's visit she "checked me" for the first time and said it was no wonder I felt so uncomfortable because Levi was already really really low and she could feel his head. She also said I was 75% effaced ( or thinned out) but not dilated just yet. At my 36 week appointment I was even more effaced and I had dilated to half a centimeter and he was a little lower. Then at my 37 week appointment (which was Wednesday) she told me I am 1 whole centimeter dilated, almost completely effaced, and that he has dropped a lot more! Holy cow! I did not think he could drop any lower without coming out but he is way down in the birth canal soooo my body is pretty much ready to go. We just need some regular strong contractions to start haha! Carrying him around so low in my pelvis for the past few weeks has NOT been easy! My left leg even pops out of it's socket sometimes because of all the pressure. My doctor assures me that even though it's uncomfy that it's normal and everything is healthy. She says because of his size and him being so low the discomfort might even get a little worst but that I need try to stay active so that my body will continue to progress towards actual labor.

I have been having a ton of "Braxton Hicks" contractions (painless contractions) and I've also had some cramping. A few times I thought I was in labor but I timed the pains and they were irregular then they faded away :(. We were told at birth class to wait until my contractions are regular and start coming every 5 mins apart for an hour before coming to the hospital.

Next week I plan on going to the mall and doing a lot of walking and eating lots of pineapple and some other stuff that's rumored to start labor ;)! Fingers are crossed!

We are pretty much finished with the nursery except we gotta hang a couple of pictures this weekend. I am also still waiting on a lamp that I ordered but it may not be here before Levi is lol. I may go ahead and take pics of the nursery this coming up week and post them. We also installed the car seat, found a pediatrician, and our hospital bags are all packed :)! We are ready when Levi is! Here are some pics of what we've been up to lately!

Here are some Peter Rabbit pics that I had framed and matted for the nursery:

Levi's monogrammed "Coming home outfit":

Pack N Play & changing area for downstairs (in our room):

 Daddy-to-be installing the car seat:

 Hospital bags and lists

36 week belly shot (I hate this pic btw)! I will upload a more current belly pic very soon I promise!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I am 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! We have had a busy week! Jody had surgery (and is doing well), we put the crib together, worked on decorating the nursery, finished refinishing an antique dresser for the nursery, finally bought Levi's Pack N Play and put it together, I am half way finished with the Levi's wreath for the hospital door, I monogrammed a blanket for him, we celebrated our anniversary, and Jody and I both had a doctor's appointment! Here are some pics of what we have been up to......

(Btw, I purposely didn't get Jody's face in these pics because he was wearing bandages from surgery. Didn't figure he would want it posted all over the Internet haha!)

Finished product!

 The wreath so far (it's not finished). It's actually blue and green (not blue and white) but the colors didn't show up right in the pic :/

When my mom was pregnant with me she bought an antique dresser for my clothes and my paw paw refinished it for her. Now 26 years later Jody refinished the same dresser for Levi. We picked a stain that would match the new furniture in his room and we also added Peter Rabbit knobs (Peter Rabbit is our nursery theme btw).

Working on the Pack N Play :)

I don't have any pics of the full nursery up yet because it's still not completely finished. Hopefully I will have those pics up in another week or two!

My symptoms for this week have been lots of pressure in my hips, thighs, pelvis, and etc. The day after Jody's surgery I kept telling him that I could barely walk and that I was afraid I was going to go into labor soon and that I just "felt different". He told me I was just being paranoid because he had just had surgery. Well I went to the doctor Monday and it turns out that it was not my imagination. The doc checked my cervix to see if I am dilating yet and when she checked me she said "Woah!!! He is really low! Wow! No wonder you can barely walk!" Haha! She said that I am not dilated yet but I am 75% effaced and that he is head down and in the birth canal. She said that he is so low already that she had to actually feel around his head just to find the spot to check my cervix. (In case anyone reads this and doesn't understand....dilation is when the cervix opens up and effacement is when the cervix shortens and thins out. Both are signs of nearing labor). Of course that doesn't mean Levi is going to be born right away but it does mean that my body is making awesome progress and doing everything it's suppose to do so far:)! Since Levi is really large the doc is hoping he comes a tiny bit early on his own. She said if he is not here by 38 weeks they are going to do an ultrasound to check his size to see if they need to go ahead and induce. Soooo we will see what happens. Here is my belly shot for this week....this was taken Saturday when we went out to eat for our anniversary. We both felt horrible and ended up coming home early lol.

I look horrible in this next pic but I think Jody looks handsome so I decided to post it. We had to park way up the road from the restaurant and walk. I got really winded and short of breath and was hurting just from being 8 months pregnant and Jody felt the same way because he still had stints in his nose from his surgery. Also, did I mention his nose kept bleeding throughout dinner :/. We were a pitiful pair that's for sure haha! Hey, "for better or worst, and in sickness and in health" right? haha!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Whew! What a week! After all the problems that we've had with the baby store in Huntsville and our furniture being on back order it finally came in last week and there was more drama. My parents picked it up for us and hauled it to Tuscaloosa and when we unboxed it was THE WRONG COLOR! We were furious to say the least! Soooo we made the store owners drive to Tuscaloosa themselves to retrieve the wrong crib and bring me the right one! So right now the crib in my nursery but it's still in the box because Jody just had surgery and can't put it together right now :*(. My goal was to have the nursery ready by the time I was 30 weeks pregnant but it looks like it won't be ready till the last minute because of all the circumstances. Meanwhile I've just tried to occupy myself with washing the baby's clothes and etc. which brings me the next subject...NESTING!!!

I have had the worst case of nesting that I've even heard of haha! I really think I need help! I am completely irrational about it too! This past week I washed, dried, and IRONED all Levi's clothes, blankets, bibs, burp cloths, and etc. Yes, I ironed every single thing my child owns including his socks! I ironed his bibs, burp cloths, and crib sheets too! I hung all his outfits and onsies up in his closet and used closet dividers to separate them by size. It took me 2 days to do it all and I worked on it all day. I also washed my pajamas for the hospital and ironed them before packing them in my hospital bag haha! This is the cleanest my house has ever been! You could literally move my washer and dryer and eat off the floor under them if you wanted to! I even cleaned out and organized Jody bathroom drawers the other day and used drawer organizers to organize his shaving stuff! Is that not crazy???? I know it's crazy but I just have the uncontrollable urge to do it all!

I had a doctors appointment last week and that went well. The doctor is still planning on doing another ultrasound soon to keep an eye on Levi's size since he is big and my sugar has been elevated. She also said that she is going to check me at my next appointment on the 16th to see if the baby is making dilate yet so that's kinda exciting and she wants to start seeing me every week now starting on the 16th. Crazy huh?! We are getting close! As far as symptoms go my biggest symptom this week has been Levi's kicks! He kicks me hard now!! It actually hurts really bad haha! I'm glad he's getting strong though! :). Here is my belly shot for week 34. I have had some swelling this week btw....

Friday, June 29, 2012


I am 33 weeks pregnant today! I am so late posting my 32 week blog that I figured I would just combine my 32 and 33 week update! The most exciting thing that has happened this past week is my baby showers :)! My cousin Heather threw me a shower in Valley Alabama for my family down there and afterwards I got together with my mom's family and cooked out and opened some gifts at my paw paw's house! I was so excited to see everyone! I hate living so far away from my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. I feel like I miss out on everything. I am glad that I could celebrate Levi's upcoming arrival with everyone though. Never take for granted having your family close by! mom and sister will both tell you that I have a history of making goofy faces in pictures where I am opening gifts!My sister Steffi loves to break out old Christmas and birthday pictures of me just to laugh at my facial expressions! Well, my sweet Aunt Jane emailed me some pics from the baby shower and "WOW" is all I can say. I am making a goofy face in almost every single one of the pictures (not to mention I look swollen) haha! I picked out some of the better pictures to post on here but I figured I would post at least one goofy pic for everyone to see....this was the funniest one! I had just opened a bathtub! Not sure what the face is about! I promise I like the tub!

 Haha! Here are a few more pics that aren't so bad...

Hopefully I will have more shower pics soon from my Valley shower and my Albertville shower once my mom sends me the ones she took (no telling what kinda faces I'll be making in those).

Back to the update on the actual pregnancy......I'm feeling great to be 8 months pregnant! Especially in this 100 degree weather! I do have occasional bad days where I don't feel very well but for the most part everything is great and I am very blessed because I am still able to get around well and be active and productive! If I had to think of any negative symptoms it would be that I'm having a little trouble sleeping at night because of the heartburn, heavy belly, and the numerous trips to the bathroom but my doc said I can take Tylonal PM if I need it! It's really not that bad though. I am fortunate enough to have a sweet husband who is letting me stay home so even when I don't sleep at least I don't have to worry about going to work the next day so I can't complain too much :)!

The baby's furniture FINALLY came in! Yay! My mom and stepdad are bringing it to us Saturday and I can't wait (I will post pics on the next blog)!

I am still nesting on and off! I've been washing light fixtures and cleaning behind and underneath appliances and sterilizing everything lol! I have noticed a change in my priorities lately too! I'm kinda over the shopping and decorating and doctor's visits and the excitment of being pregnant. I am just ready to meet Levi and I have become obsessed with organizing his stuff and my life in general. I really just want to lock myself up in the house and become a hermit and just clean and sterilize and get all his things ready and prepare for his birth haha! I guess that's just part of "nesting" but it's an interesting transition that I have noticed over the past few weeks. It's so funny how mother nature and instincts work huh? Here is my belly shot for week 32/33 (it was taken a few days ago).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Good sugar looks better since my last appointment. I guess cutting back on sugar and carbs helped. They are still saying that Levi is huge! The doc says they will do another ultrasound when I'm closer to my due date in order to monitor his size. She said there is no point in worrying about it right now though because he isn't coming out right now. I guess there is still a possibility his size may even out some before he is born. His heart rate was 152 and the doc says he has a big round belly :)!

We are having some problems with the baby store that we ordered the furniture from. We ordered it and paid for it in full back in early March and we still don't have it. The day we ordered it we were told that it was NOT one of the cribs on back order and that we would get it in 6 weeks! Now they are claiming that it's been on back order for months which is why they haven't gotten it in yet. Each week the store tells us the crib will be here "next week" then when that week comes we are told that it will actually be "the next week". Last week we were told that the furniture would definitely be here Monday (yesterday). Well, we called them yesterday and they claimed the truck broke down and so they wont get it till Wednesday (tomorrow). We shall see. I am very disappointed because I'm ready to finish my nursery but I am trying not to think about it too much because I don't need the stress myself. My parents however are furious. My mom says she is going up there and she is going to "rake them across the coals" if the furniture isn't here this week. Which is fine with me. I am more than glad to let her handle it. Maybe she can get me some of my money back!

Today we worked on refinishing an antique dresser for the baby's room. My mom bought it for me when I was born and my paw paw refinished it for her. Now Jody is refinishing it again to match the rest of the furniture in our baby's nursery. I ordered some Peter Rabbit dresser knobs off of Ebay to go with it :)! I can't wait till it is finished! Anywho, here is my belly shot for 31 weeks (FYI, this was taken at the end of a long day after being outside so it's not the cutest pic lol).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I am 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! I can't believe it! 30 seems like such a big number! I am just a little over 9 weeks away from my due date and less than 6 weeks from being considered "full term". The most exciting thing that has happened this week is that we bought our stroller and car seat. I know it sounds silly but I feel like it's a pretty big step. Jody and I went to the Summit in Birmingham tonight because they have the largest Babies R Us in the state :D. We got the stroller and car seat and a few other things and then we went to dinner and a movie :). For those who don't know Jody is off on Tuesdays so Tuesdays are treated like Saturdays at our house (which is why I am always up so late on Tuesdays). Here are some pics from tonight:

The new dad with the new stroller and car seat :)

Jody's giant burrito from The Cheesecake Factory

This week's symptoms include lots of heartburn, back aches, and general normal uncomfortableness of a giant stretching belly! Oh, wee still do not have our furniture for the baby's room :(. We ordered our crib and stuff from a store in Huntsville called "All About Baby" at the beginning of March and I will never ever do business with them again. Each week they assure me that my crib is on it's way and each week passes and I never hear from them so I call and I am always told that it will be here "the next week" and that it's been on back order even though I was told that it was NOT on back order the day we bought it. My mom called them for me this week and I think she got a little ugly with them so hopefully we will get our stuff soon or else I will be asking for my money back.

After having our 4D ultrasound and our shower I am more anxious than ever for Levi to be here. I am kinda over being pregnant, shopping, decorating, and planning at this point. I am just ready to hold my son! He looked so sweet on the ultrasound and we have a house full of cute new things just waiting for him :). I love him already. are some fun belly shots for this week. I decided to go ahead and show my bare belly before it starts looking to gross haha! It kinda looks like it's about to pop huh? Well that's exactly how it feels too haha!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I am 29 weeks and 5 days pregnant today! Yes, I am very late posting this blog as I am almost 30 weeks pregnant. It's been a very busy week for me though. Two very exciting things happened this week...I had my first baby shower Saturday and we had our 4D ultrasound on Monday! The shower turned out great. My friend Blair did a wonderful job. The shower was held in the Albertville First Baptist Tea Room (my old church) and it was a Peter Rabbit themed shower (like the nursery).

 The 4D ultrasound went great! My doctor's visit DID NOT! We got some good shots of Levi. He slept most of the time but we had a clear view of his face at least. He kept opening and closing his mouth and we joke that it's because I ate banana pudding before the ultrasound haha. He also smiled once for us which was really sweet. He looked very peaceful and happy in there too which made me feel good. Just like when we had our 20 week ultrasound the nurse says Levi is huge. Not only is he a big baby, he is bigger than most "big babies". He is in the 97-98the percentile for his size. He should weigh about 2.5 pounds right now and he weight over 4 pounds. He had chubby little cheeks and a big round belly. When the doc came in he was a little concerned. If you read some of my other blogs you know that I barely passed the diabetes test...well this time they found sugar in my urine and my weight has shot up and Levi is twice the size he should be. These are all signs of gestational diabetes. The doc says he thinks I have a glucose tolerance problem (even though I passed the test). He told me to lay off sugar and carbohydrates and to even stay away from fruit and they are going to be monitoring Levi's size. He said they aren't going to make any decisions before I am 36 weeks though. I have no idea if they will want to induce early or what. Guess we will find out. The doctor told me that I've gained too much weight since my last visit which really upset me. Usually I get a lot heck about being too small and now I'm being told I gained too much weight?!!! Not easy for any woman to hear! I hope to go in to labor on my own. I don't want to be induced and I don't want a c-section so it's time for some prayers.

Here is a picture from 29 weeks...I'm going to cheat and use the pic from my shower. I am bad sick with the sinus crud right so I don't want to take a pic of me in my PJs with no makeup and a red stuffy nose haha! P.S. my face looks much fatter in my shower pics than in person. Just wanted to be clear on that lol.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I am 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Officially in my 3rd (and last) trimester! I am getting bigger and bigger. Whenever I look at my stomach in the mirror it's hard to imagine how it could possibly grow anymore. The skin on my tummy already burns and itches because it it stretched to the max. My first shower is this Saturday and I am very excited. We are also having our 4D ultrasound on Monday and we are looking forward to that as well. I've been a little stressed trying to get everything ready for the baby. The crib and stuff has been on back order and I will feel much better when it's finally here. We had our carpets professionally cleaned today so they would be nice and clean and sterile for the baby (yeah, I'm a little OCD). I'm hoping to start sewing the curtains for the baby's room tomorrow (with my mother in law's help). Here is my belly shot for 28 weeks:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I am 27 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Holy cow! Just 2 more days and I will be in my 3rd trimester which is the last trimester of pregnancy. I can't believe we are almost to the final stretch! Not too much has changed this week. I am still growing and feeling a little uncomfortable as I try to sleep at night because of the heartburn and the big awkward belly. It's also getting more and more difficult for me to walk around a mall or grocery store for long periods of time because my back and feet start to hurt. Things are about to really get busy for us! My sister and step brother's graduations are coming up. Starting next week I will have to start seeing my doctor every other week instead of once a month. My first shower is in a week and a half. Our 4D ultrasound and my Rhogam shot is 2 days after my shower. The crib and stuff will be here any day now. I've still got to make the curtains for the baby's room, buy window blinds and etc. We are having our carpets professionally cleaned next week in preparation for the baby and we start birth classes in a few weeks and I will also need to start getting things ready to pack a hospital bag in the next several weeks and the list goes on!  Ahhhh, so much to do but I am super excited! Here is my belly shot for week 27 (yes, I'm getting huge!).

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I am 26 weeks and  4 days pregnant today! I have a lot to talk about this week. If you read my last blog then you know that I failed my 1 hour glucose test. So I had to go back to the doctor to take the 3 hour glucose test and I barely passed this time! When I took the 1 hour test they asked me what flavor glucose drink I wanted. Fruit punch, lemon, line, or orange. I chose the fruit punch and let me just say I don't suggest that flavor! I hated it! It didn't taste like fruit punch at all to me. It tasted like cold cough syrup with several table spoons of sugar in it. So when I went back for the 3 hour glucose test I chose the orange drink (which is the common glucose drink flavor that most doctors offices use). The orange drink was much better. Actually, I liked it for the most part. It's just a little difficult to drink something so sweet and cold that fast (they make you down it). I thought it would be hard to sit at the doctors office for 3 hours but it wasn't too bad. The worst part was fasting and feeling hungry the whole time. I spent the first hour on my cell phone talking to a friend and I passed my blood test that time. The second hour I walked around the hospital and went to the gift shop and ect. but I failed my blood test that hour because my sugar was too high. The nurse told me that I would have to pass in the third hour to be "in the clear". I spent the third hour playing on my cell phone and chatting on the phone with my mom. She told me that she was going to pray for me and that God was going to take care of my sugar and that I was going to pass this time and when they drew my blood again I DID PASS :)! My sugar dropped over 90 points in the last hour and they told me to go EAT! So I went to Northport Diner and ordered pot roast, okra, cabbage, and banana pudding! Yum!

I am starting to crave sweets (ironic since I was almost diagnosed with diabetes huh lol). Before I was pregnant I wasn't a big fan of sweets. I loved spicy, salty, and sour foods. I've never been a big dessert person. Well, that has changed! I usually have to have something sweet everyday now (although I try not to go overboard). I've been eating a lot of banana pudding and ice cream lately. I've also been wanting orange soda and candy. Bad, I know!

My belly has definitely grown more this week. It's starting to get a little difficult to shave my legs or paint my toenails. Also, the skin on my stomach hurts and itches! It's stretched so tight that I honestly don't know how it could possibly stretch anymore but I know it's gonna have to over the next 3 months. I'm still able to walk around and sit and bend over pretty easily but I have a lot of trouble when I lie down at night. It's difficult for me to roll from one side to another and it's also difficult for me to get up from a lying position which is a problem when you have to go to the bathroom 20 times a night (that's not an exaggeration).  As far as stretch marks go I have a few faint white stretch marks one each one of my hips but they aren't noticeable (yet) unless you are looking for them. Hopefully they don't get any worst. I am very fortunate that I don't have any across my belly so far (knock on wood).

We are still waiting on the crib and stuff to arrive but we did pick up the glider chair and ottoman for the nursery this past week. So far this chair is the only furniture we have in the nursery right now :(. Here is a pic of the new chair with part of the baby bedding draped over it.

Here is my belly shot for week 26.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I am 25 weeks pregnant today! I am feeling ok other than a little back pain and some major major acid reflux! Hopefully I can talk my doc into writing me a prescription because the Tums just aren't cutting it anymore. My belly button disappeared this week haha! I spent 3 days in Mobile with my family. We got up early Saturday morning to go fishing. I had a belly button when we left the hotel that morning but when we returned later that evening I was getting dressed for dinner and noticed it was gone hahaha! I guess it has officially popped out but right now it is level with the rest of my belly so it just looks like I don't have a belly button hehe!

So yeah...that brings me to the fishing trip. Yes, I went deep sea fishing at 6 months pregnant. Actually I was over 6 months pregnant haha! I got some strange looks especially while I was waiting in line to get my salt water fishing license but I was a trooper and caught several fish including a small shark. Sure the shark got away as we were trying to put it in the boat but I still claim it haha! I'm not going to lie! It was a rough fishing trip. I did feel very nauseous on and off the whole time but I never officially got sick and then a huge down pour came. Luckily I had brought a poncho with me but all the rocking during the storm made me very queasy. Over all I had a great time though and I have to say I think I outdid the boys (my stepdad and stepbrother). They were pretty pitiful later that night after our fishing adventure but I was ready to shower go out to dinner or go the beach! Proof that women are tougher than men ;)!

Right now it is 11pm. I have to start fasting in an hour for my 3 hour sugar test tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it! is my 25 week belly shot...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I am 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant today! I am leaving for Mobile in the morning so I've been busy packing which is why my blog is late. The most exciting thing that has happened this week is that we had another ultrasound to look at the baby's enlarged kidney and it is a normal size now! Yay for answered prayers! The baby bedding finally came in this week and it is absolutely beautiful! It's everything we hoped it would be! We are doing a vintage Peter Rabbit theme in the nursery and we had the bedding special made :)!

I am starting to get HUGE  haha! Or at least that's how I feel. I haven't been feeling that great this week either. Ever since the weather has gotten into the high 80s I've been getting sick again. I almost passed out at the dog groomer's the other day. I was dropping Skip off and it was soooo hot in that place. make a long embarrassing story short I had to lay down in the floor at the groomers and I ended up getting sick in the parking lot and in my car when I left. The sweet christian couple that owns the grooming place felt bad for me and didn't charge me for Skips cut this time which I thought was really sweet of them. Also, my hips and pelvis feel like the bones are breaking apart this week but I read that the hormone "relaxin" causes your joints to loosen as your body prepares for labor. Sooo it's all perfectly normal and part of the process I guess.

I had my sugar test Monday and failed it. I know alot of women who have failed it by a point or two but I failed it by 37 points and the nurse said it was really high. Now I have to go in for the 3 hour sugar test. Hopefully I pass this one because if I have gestational diabetes I wont be able to eat anything good for the next 3 months :(. is a pic of the baby bedding (and a little preview of what the nursery is gonna look like). The blue is alot lighter in person. It looks dark in the pic for some reason.

Here is my 24 week belly shot. I have to be honest...I look a lot bigger in person than in this pic. I love how slimming this black shirt is haha.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am 23 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Just a few more days until I am 24 weeks which is the earliest doctors will work to save a new born preemie. So starting Friday if Levi were to come early he would have a chance at surviving in the NICU! Of course we would never want him to be born this early but it's a relief knowing that he could survive at this point with the help of medical technology if it did happen.

This week I am pretty sure I've had another growth spurt haha! I was sore and achy in my stomach, thighs, and etc for a couple of days then I noticed my belly suddenly looked bigger and my clothes were even tighter! It's crazy because I won't gain any weight for weeks then suddenly over night my belly just pops out and I even have growing pains when it happens. His movements and kicks are continuing to get stronger. He likes to stop moving whenever Jody puts his hand on my stomach though. Jody gets so frustrated and keeps saying "why wont he move for me?!" Bless his heart lol! I can also see him moving through my stomach now which is WEIRD haha! I had no idea I would be able to actually see him moving under my skin! Why didn't anyone tell me this stuff before I was pregnant? Haha! Anyways, even though I still get nauseous from time to time I finally have a appetite for the first time since I've been pregnant! Thank God! Food no longer disgusts me! I'm still not really craving any specific food though but I do seem to like dairy products (like milk, ice cream, and shakes) more lately compared to before I was pregnant. 

I also had my first stranger to comment on my pregnancy while out in public! I guess I officially look pregnant! A guy who was worked at Lowes looked me up and down and said "So what are you having? A boy or girl?" (brave man). Good to know I actually look pregnant and not just fat.

The crib and dresser are still not in :(! I found out that they've been on back order. They won't be here till the last week of May or the first week of June. The crib bedding should be here any day now though and we ordered a chair for the nursery today and it will be here in about a week! So that's all pretty exciting! We also started painting yesterday so we are finally making progress! We decided on an off white color for the nursery. I know it sounds boring but I am actually coping the color scheme of a nursery that I saw online and I think it will look good once we get the room decorated and hang curtains. Here are some pics of Jody painting....he's been working hard :)! Btw..Skip wanted to help too lol!

Next Monday I go back to the doc to have an ultrasound to look at Levi's kidney again. I am also having my sugar test that day to check for gestational diabetes. For those who don't know how the test works.....I can't eat 2 hours before my appointment, then they will give me a special sugar drink, then I have to wait another hour and they will draw my blood. I am a little nervous that I'm going to get sick because I have struggled with nausea throughout my pregnancy and whenever my stomach gets empty it seems to trigger the nausea. Since I wont be able to have any kind of snacks or anything before my appointment I'm a little worried haha. I really don't want to throw up in front of anyone at the doctor! On the bright side I will get to have my ultrasound right after drinking the sugar drink sooooo Levi should be jumping off the walls when we see him hahaha! Here are my 23 week belly shots.....